Lallemand Health Solutions’ Research Director chosen for External Advisory Board at the University of Florida
Thomas A. Tompkins, Ph.D., Research Director at the Rosell® Institute from Microbiome and Probiotics by Lallemand, is proud to be joining the External Advisory Board of the Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) department at the University of Florida for the 2021-2023 term.
“We are delighted to welcome Dr. Tompkins on the Board! His knowledge and passion will help shape the curricula of our students, the workforce of tomorrow. His long-standing experience and insights will bring new perspectives and ideas, key success factors for the future of our department,” announces Susan S. Percival, Ph. D., Professor and Chair, UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition.
“I was very pleased to be invited to the Board. It demonstrates our strong commitment to excellent science,” confirms Dr. Tompkins. “I will do my utmost to uphold and contribute to the mission and the vision of the Board,” he adds.
Dr. Tompkins has been Research Director of the Rosell® Institute from Microbiome and Probiotics within Lallemand Health Solutions since 1999, where he has established a strong scientific programme to evaluate the pre-clinical and clinical effects of probiotics. His research teams evaluate the safety, action, and the effects of probiotics in human cell systems, and novel in vivo models. His current focus is the role of the microbiome in neurological disorders and in women’s issues associated with healthy aging. In particular, he is interested in identifying the impact of probiotics in modulating the functionality of the microbiome-gut-brain axis. He collaborates with several academic researchers to evaluate the clinical opportunities for the use of microbes in the alleviation of symptoms associated with behaviour, gastrointestinal and aging disorders.
The Rosell® Institute for Microbiome and Probiotics by Lallemand, Lallemand Health Solutions’ research and development center located at the National Research Council of Canada in Montreal, develops partnerships with key scientific experts to study the human microbiome and how probiotic supplements can be used as a means to improve or maintain health in specific populations or health segments. The research team has issued over 330 publications including 160 clinical studies. www.rosellinstitutelallemand.com
The External Advisory Board of the FSHN department at the University of Florida is an advisory group organized to support the Department faculty, staff, students, facilities and programs in areas of outreach, teaching, and research. The External Advisory Board provides advice on broad matters of planning and policy within and impacting the FSHN Department and advocates both on and off campus for resources to support endeavors. Its vision is to provide the ways and means for elevating the department to the number one program in Food Science, in Nutritional Sciences and in Dietetics.
Lallemand Health Solutions: Marilou Luneau, Content Manager mluneau@lallemand.com